welcome to my blog !


✩°。 ⋆⸜ ✮

here you can read whatever crosses my mind ✮~(^_^)

12:47 08/10/24

hello!! im writing this in class lol i came back to school so i wont have much time to update the site :( i have been here for 2 days and im already starting to feel depressed again: its hard to get up, its hard to concentrate, its hard to live. i hope things get better. and i lose some weight too XDU.

2:22 04/10/24

it's a devil moon.... i'm redesigning the website! now i like it a lot more. i used to yearn for nights like this; the wind is cold but nice, i can stay up late and my loneliness fills me up. thanks unverse or god or whoever is there for this night. it is sacred to me.

01:15 03/10/24

seeing so many awesome and beautiful and inspiring websites here makes me feel... weird. i get overwhelmed by the beauty and passion people put out into the internet and feel very inspired to work on my own website as a year-long proyect :,) still, it makes me sad that right now i'm not capable of doing all that, as i just started learning code 3 days ago. i hope this proyect goes on for years and grows into a very awesome site.
lately i've been very lazy, i don't feel like showering or going to school, i still do it, but it takes a lot of strength for some reason. maybe it's the spring depression. i heard on the radio the other day that in sprinhg is when most people commit suicide. i almost did too. spring is such a beautiful season, i wonder why that is.
i feel like writing so i will write a lot. i want to do and own so many things my time on earth doesn't seem enough for it. so i want to be remembered. maybe that way i will live eternally in people's minds and tongues. im tired, goodnight!


i don't really have much in mind since i spent all day working on the site but i guess it's okay. i'm only fourteen once and i can't waste it! so i will make a beautiful website in which my teen years last forever yay!